Certification exam:
The method 5SRW is divided into 5 steps which include precise settings and standardised procedures.
For this reason, the certification 5SRW for V-Ray is classified as a process certification. Once certified, the user can demonstrate the knowledge and ability to apply this method to the production of a photorealistic rendering.
In order to pass it candidates will have to have knowledge in different areas: photography, lighting, V-Ray and colour correction. This certification exam 5SRW for V-Ray is divided into two parts:
In order to pass this stage candidates will need to correctly answer 85% of these questions for each step at least. There will be 100 questions, divided into five groups, one group for each step, in the same order in which the steps are performed during the rendering production : 1) framing, 2) light balance, 3) materials, 4) final render, 5) post-production. Time to complete the exam: 1h 40'
The second part of the examination consists of resolving real problems or implementing a specific procedure of 5SRW to specific scenes. These scenes will be with a low number of polygons and will be provided by CGworld in a variable number between 3 and 5 at the examiner's discretion.
Both parts of the examination are held online. After you sign up you will have access to the portal to undertake the 1st part of the examination. If successful at this stage you will be contacted by an Official 5SRW trainer who will provide all the necessary information for carrying out Part 2. The examination fee for a single student is $ 250.
(In case you're a Learnvray subscriber the exam fee is already included in your subscription: Subscribe Here)
Any university and / or teachers can contact us to incorporate this subject and
examination in their undergraduate degree courses. We will provide the support to the teacher for the teaching of the 5SRW method and the student exam preparation. For further information please contact us directly from the page CONTACTS
TO ACCESS THE ONLY EXAM please contact [email protected]
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Official Certified List
Type your details below to display your official 5SRW Certification for V-Ray:
Where to study?
You can start studying 5SRW for V-Ray and get prepared for the certification right now.
The course is available on Learnvray, in different languages:
Courses & Exams are available for V-Ray for 3ds Max, SketchUp and RHino.
The purpose of the method is to provide a solid and reliable support both for teaching and learning